How to Get Unbounce Leads into Pipedrive

In this post, we’ll show you how you can get your Unbounce leads into Pipedrive. Enjoy :)


  • Pipedrive
  • Unbounce Account
  • Zapier

Duration: About 10 minutes

Step 1: Connect Unbounce to Zapier and Select Zap

In your Zapier account, click Make a Zap, then search for ‘Unbounce’ and click to add the Unbounce App.

Ubounce Zap

Add the Form Submission in Unbounce Zap and click CONTINUE.

Unbounce Zap Form Submission

Authorize Unbounce when prompted then click CONTINUE.

Unbounce Zap Auth

Select your Unbounce Client, then select the Landing Page, Overlay or Sticky Bar - if you haven’t created any assets in Unbounce yet head over there and create your first one - you need to attach it to this Zap for the process to work.

Unbounce Zap Client Form

Click CONTINUE and then test your data source is working correctly.

Unbounce Zap Form Submission Test

Step 2: Create Person in Pipedrive from Unbounce Form Submission

Next, configure what you want the Zap to do.

Pipedrive Unbounce Form Submission

Select the Pipedrive App and the Create Person Action Event.

Click CONTINUE and sign into your Pipedrive account if prompted.

Unbounce Pipedrive Person


Under Customize Person click the + button and select Form Data First Name and Form Data Last Name as the dynamic Name for your contact type.

Ubounce Pipedrive Customize Person

Select Form Data Email and Form Data Phone Number for the relevant fields and click CONTINUE.

Step 3: Create Pipedrive Deal with Imported Person

Click the + icon to add another step, then choose the Action Event Create Deal.

Create Pipedrive Deal Imported Person

Add a Deal title ‘First Name // Unbounce’ (or whatever you want in your Deal title).

Unbounce Pipedrive Deal Title

Specify what Stage you want the Deal created in by selecting Lead In (Pipeline).

Pipedrive Deal Stage

Add the Person you created in Step 2 to the Deal:

Click the Person dropdown arrow and select Use a Custom Value (Advanced).

Pipedrive Custom Value

Then add the Person ID.

Unbounce Pipedrive Custom Person ID

Click Save.


Unbounce Pipedrive Zapier Test

Confirm all the Deal data is correct. Then you’re all set.

Click the ON toggle.

Zapier On

Your Zap is now live. Congrats!

Step 4: Check Deals are Working

In Pipedrive go to the Deals page and confirm the Zap correctly imported your test deals.


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