August 2019 Community Roundup

This is the inaugural Pipedrive User Group monthly round-up 🥳….it’s is a work in progress, so please ping us on with any feedback (good or bad!). 

Enjoy :-)

Top Conversations

Top conversations that you probably should check out:

  • The Pipedrive Academy launched with a bunch of training videos and more to come. Read more 👉here 
  • Oli Bee posted a thread on how to auto-format people’s names from CAPS or lowercase to Title-case. Read more 👉here
  • Pipedrive launched the New Sales Insights App and Lucas Xavier is loving it 😍Share your thoughts 👉here
  • Jaana (Product Manager at Pipedrive) wants your feedback on giving people limited access 🔐to your pipedrive account (eg: referral partners). Share your thoughts 👉here
  • Zaps no longer working?! David Zisner flagged that Pipedrive discontinued the API used by the legacy Zapier app. Read more on the issue/solution 👉here
  • Sam Vickers posted an interesting question about finding/tagging your A, B and C customers based on revenue 💰 Join the conversation 👉here
  • Brandon raised an interesting question on how to create a custom activity in Pipedrive for text messaging customers. Text/SMS 📱is such an important communication channel…read more 👉here 
  • Pipedrive new look launched, thanks to Mereana for flagging. Share your feedback 👉 here

Blog Posts

That’s all folks! Please let me us if you have any feedback on this update…useful/not useful? How can we make it better? 

Shoot us an email on


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