November 2019 Community Roundup

Hi Folks,

There has been a LOT of great activity this month in the group! Enjoy the roundup :)

Got feedback/requests? Email me I’m always trying to make this roundup better.



Founder // Pipedrive Facebook Group

Top Conversations

Top conversations that you probably should check out:

  • Ricardo is trying to distribute leads (evenly, not randomly) in Pipedrive. Martin + Sergei (Pipedrive co-founder + CTO) chime in on this one.  Check it out 👉here

  • Jessey wants to know what makes Pipedrive special.  See what other CRM’s people have tried and join the conversation 👉here

  • HubSpot just acquired PieSync! What does the Pipedrive community think? Read the thread 👉here

  • Ugi is new to Pipedrive and wants to know how to set a dashboard to track the Customer Lifetime Value.  Check out Matt’s response 👉here

  • Rodrigo just finished a great way to integrate Whatsapp directly into Pipedrive! Take advantage of it and send him a message 👉here

  • Ricardo has a question about changing a Deal immediately after the WON button is pushed. Carlos to the rescue! Check out the solution 👉here

  • Jonathan was about to mess up big time before PD swooped in and saved the day! Follow the story 👉here

  • What’s your best sales story? Mike wants to know! Talk about your passion for sales and add your voice to the mix 👉here

  • Matt was wondering if Autopilot was the best solution for customer follow up with Pipedrive. What do you think? Join the conversation 👉here

  • How do you send out reminders to customers before a meeting? Read Marek’s thread to find out what solutions the PD community uses 👉here

  • Alejandro loves Hubspot’s mobile email read notifications. Does Pipedrive offer the same feature? Find out how to access that feature 👉here

  • Channing wants to sync email click and open data with email marketing services.  The PD community comes to the rescue with several solutions. Check out the thread 👉here

  • So many emails, so little time! Chad wants to sort through the junk mail in Pipedrive, and he’s not the only one. Read the community’s response 👉here

Interesting Blogs Posts

That’s all folks! Please let me know if you have any feedback on this update…useful/not useful? How can we make it better? 

Shoot me an email on


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