October 2019 Community Roundup

Hi Folks,

There has been a LOT of great activity this month in the group! Enjoy the roundup :)

Got feedback/requests? Email us hello@routerjet.com we’re always trying to make this roundup better.


RouterJet Team :)

Top Conversations

Top conversations that you probably should check out:

  • Make your voice heard! Product manager Mike van der Valk posted a 2min survey to hear from everyone in the group.  Take part 👉 here

  • Dan Murphy (that’s me!) wants to know: what forms are people using? Find out why Miguel doesn’t use Pipedrive forms. Join the conversation  👉here

  • Dan Bigelow is wondering what the best option is for making calls out of Pipedrive. The community responded in full force. Check it out  👉 here

  • Siddharth to the rescue! He’s built a tool that helps you connect Google Analytics to Pipedrive. Take advantage of this cool new feature 👉 here

  • Adam Ashbury is looking for some advice from people who use Infusionsoft alongside Pipedrive. Christian gave some pretty good tips! Learn more 👉 here

  • Roberto wants some opinions about Pipedrive’s suitability for a retail business. Edward says no, but Dan says maybe. Join the conversation  👉 here

  • Jaanus has a problem with Pipedrive’s web forms and needs an alternative. The community’s got a couple of options for him! See what people are saying 👉 here

  • Mereana has a big announcement! You can now remove the Pipedrive branding from your LeadBooster chatbots. More info 👉 here

  • Chad wants to disable the Schedule New Activity popup. Ken’s got the answer from Pipedrive’s support page. Check it out  👉 here

  • Mereana’s back with a new Pipedrive Dealbot for Slack. She wants to know: What does the community want next for Workflow Automation? Add your voice 👉 here

  • Scott’s got a lot of questions about using Pipedrive to track referrals given. Chris uses custom fields, but other members have different tips. Join the conversation 👉 here

  • Interesting post/podcast from Mateo on forecasting with Cullen Burgman. Check it out 👉 here

Apps & Integrations News

Interesting Blogs Posts

That’s all folks! Please let me know if you have any feedback on this update…useful/not useful? How can we make it better? 

Shoot us an email on hello@routerjet.com 


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