September 2019 Community Roundup

Hi Folks,

September was a Big Month → The Pipedrive Community hit 2000 members 🍾 Thanks for making it awesome.

Hope you enjoy this month’s Community Roundup!

Top Conversations

Top conversations that you probably should check out:

  • Chris Burris posted about his amazing experience as a high ticket closer using kixie and pipedrive together.  Watch his video to find out more 👉 here

  • Did LeadBooster get more expensive?  Check out Cyril’s thread to find out why Pipedrive added this chatbot feature 👉 here

  • James isn’t too happy about the LeadBooster add-on.  Read more about the community’s thoughts 👉 here

  • Patrick Allmond is spoiled by his excellent experience with Pipedrive!  Share your thoughts 👉 here

  • Tony Novak posts a question about using Zapier and finding interesting/useful Zaps. Join the conversation 👉 here

  • Olly Bee is frustrated by the process for adding a person to the activity inside the organization.  Read more 👉 here

  • Ashok Varma is looking for beta testers for a new sales commission app on top of Pipedrive!  Want free access for a year? Comment on the post 👉 here

  • Rob Reed posted an interesting question about how to automate activities before another activity (eg: send an email the day before a meeting).  Join the conversation 👉 here

  • Can a contact person be associated with more than one company?  Vivian Riley raised a question about how to get around this issue.  Check out the response 👉 here

  • Bernd Auer wants to know if there’s a tool which does a daily data backup.  Find out which apps can do that 👉 here

  • Are there any cheap services that can integrate Pipedrive to text messages?  Christine Darling posted a thread looking for suggestions. Read more 👉 here

  • Sensitive communication linked to records?  Tom flagged the issue of pipedrive syncing staff (non sales related) email.  Join the conversation 👉 here

Other Stuff

That’s all folks! Please let me know if you have any feedback on this update…useful/not useful? How can we make it better? 

Shoot us an email on


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